Youth Education and Heritage
In a meeting held in April 2018 with Mr. Darius Skusevičius, Lithuanian Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs (Director of Relations with Jewish Communities around the World and Coordinator of Holocaust-Related Issues, as well as Jewish Cultural Heritage) at the Lithuanian Embassy in Israel, ways were discussed to develop acquaintances and create direct contact between Israel and Lithuanian youth via
The program has already been launched. A few weeks ago, Mr. Amir Maimon, Ambassador of Israel to Lithuania, initiated and organized a fascinating study tour in Israel for forty high school students from different cities in Lithuania, accompanied by their teachers. The Association of Jews from Vilna and the Vicinity in Tel Aviv held a friendly welcoming event for the group, during which they learned about their common roots from their hosts, second-generation Lithuanian Jews. On the one hand, the young people met and learned about the State of Israel and its people, and on the other, were introduced to second- generation survivors from the cities from which they themselves came. They learned in their schools about the communities and the Jews who had lived in the cities from which they came ... There is no better way to build bridges of social contact, and create positive and healthy relations
In February 2019 as well, around forty students from six high schools in Lithuania arrived, accompanied by their teachers and a representative of the Israeli Embassy in Vilna. They came on a mission of discovery of Israel with the aim of touring, becoming acquainted, and getting closer to the geographical, cultural and human landscapes in Israel