Shneur Zalman Rubashov

Zalman Rubashov and his Activities in Vilna 1906-1907 (President Zalman Shazar)

From: Pinkas Vilna - Pages on the History of Jerusalem of Lithuania and on Cultural and Social Affairs of Vilna Descendants Worldwide", Editor: M. Karpinowitz August 1969, No. 3, pp. 14-15 Translated from Yiddish by Hannah Shilo.

In July 1906, Zalman Rubashov participated, for the first time, in a conference of Poalei Zion of the Northwest District of the Russian Governorate. The conference took place illegally in Minsk, Belarus. He was then a young man of 16 and was elected to be the secretary of the conference.

At the conference, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi spoke - in Russian, on the topic of "Practical Ways to Spread Zionism." Zalman Rubashov translated the article into Hebrew and Yiddish. After the conference, the Central Committee asked him to take on the role of translator and to work in the publishing house - "Der Hamer" (The Hammer), to translate into Russian and Yiddish - the publishing house was in Vilna.

Zalman told his parents that he was going to entrance exams, at the Teachers' Seminary in Vilna. The truth is, he went to work in Vilna at the printing house on Zavalna Street 32.

He arrived in Vilna on October 16, 1906 and immediately began translating Borochov's "Class Struggle" - the principles of Zionism of Poalei Zion, Professor Vladimir Abin from Manchikovsky, and booklets by Borochov and his secretary Aharonov.

At the head of the publishing house was Leiba Shulman from Ladosh, the person responsible to the authorities was Wolf Zidshnor. Later, Rubashov moved to work in the publication of the newspaper "The Proletarian Consciousness," which was on Little Stephen Street.

The newspaper was the official publication of Poalei Zion, which included the members: Ben-Zvi, Zerubavel, Rachel Yanait, Shmuel Na'ager, Zelig Abramovich, Rabinowitz from Smorgon, Menachem Mendel Horowitz - the editor.

The translators were Zalman Rubashov and Hashin, who perished in the interrogation cellars of the Russians.

The first copy of the newspaper included translations from Russian and Yiddish by Borochov. One of the articles under the name "Between the Suns" with the signature "Bar Droma" and an article by Ben-Zvi under the title "The Jewish Diaspora." Only three newspapers were published. The members of the editorial board were taken to prison - Zerubavel, Rubashov, Na'ager, Golda and Grunia Lipshitz from Grodno. Later they were all released. But the newspaper was closed. Poalei Zion published "Parvertz" in its place, of which only three were published in April, May and June.

The Tsar's authorities closed the publishing house and Baruch Tantak, who was responsible to the authorities, was arrested. After efforts, he was released, in exchange for a fine of 400 rubles. With help, he managed to escape to America. The party activity was accompanied by harassment and conspiracies. The members who worked in the party did not know each other. Z. Rubashov, who translated Borochov's writings into Yiddish and worked in his office for a certain period, did not know that the man he was meeting was Borochov. Yitzhak Ben-Zvi also lived in Vilna illegally, in the same room with Z. Rubashov on Nikadamski Street 2. For underground reasons, Rubashov was ordered not to leave the room for two weeks. In addition to his work in translation, Rubashov was involved in organizing propaganda in the workers' market that was on Zavalna Street. In the evenings he met with young men and women and explained to them the ideological platform of the Poalei Zion party, such as: "Why should Jewish workers aspire and reach the Land of Israel in particular." He also held debates with representatives of the "Bund."

These debates intensified after he attended a large assembly in Vilna attended by an activist named N. Sirkin. The meeting was conducted by Litbakov.

At the same time, propaganda was conducted headed by B. Borochov, Rachel Yanait, Z. Rubashov, Jacobson, Uriel, Sarah Louria (later became Zidshnor's wife) and 5-6 other participants including: Y. Ben-Zvi, Hashin and Zar. These illegal gatherings usually took place in Rozelle and Antokol. Sometimes also in the apartments of Christians on the main avenue of the city - Georgievsky Prospect - later Mitskevich Avenue and then Gediminu Avenue.

At that time, Ze'ev Jabotinsky also visited the city, who gave a speech in Russian at the Taharat Kodesh-Khor Shul Synagogue, his speech began with the words of the prophet "And I remember for you the kindness of your youth, your going after me in the wilderness, in a land not sown."

Rubashov worked hard in his propaganda activities, but he and his friends were hungry for bread. It is said that Rubashov and his friend Uriel had one pair of shoes. They waited for each other to put on the shoes and participate in the meetings, together with their third friend Pradkin, they lived with a Jewish craftsman who designed letters from wood. One of them had to sleep on the work table - in shifts, because there was no room for all three of them. At the same time, Vilna became the center for all Zionist activities throughout Russia-Poland.

The leaders, activists and publishers usually met at the restaurant on Pohulanka Street No. 9 or at the Strashun Library. Every Saturday night they would meet at S. Tchernowitz's, the writer's house. The cellist Y. Porazhnikov would play and those present would sing together - "Melave Malka." They would also meet in Rachel Yanait's room. Z. Rubashov, L. Yaffe, Dubin, Gabriel, Dr. Louria, Dr. Pasmanik and S. Garelik were welcome guests. In the summer of 1907, with the changes in the political situation in Russia, arrests in Vilna increased. Z. Rubashov was also arrested, he was imprisoned for six weeks together with several dozen Jews.

During his imprisonment, Rubashov came to the conclusion that as a Zionist activist he must learn and know more about Jewish history. At that time, Baron Guenzburg founded an academy for Jewish studies in St. Petersburg. Z. Rubashov, sent a letter from prison to Baron Guenzburg with a request to be admitted to study. No answer came. He almost despaired. After Yom Kippur, Rubashov's father came to visit him and told him that a letter had arrived in his name and they inform him that he was accepted to the academy in Petersburg. On Yom Kippur, the prisoners wanted to pray, but they did not know how. The young Rubashov took pity on them and took on the role of cantor. Verbally, he sang the tunes of Kol Nidrei, Maariv and Selichot. On the eve of Sukkot 5668, October 1907, Rubashov was released and went to St. Petersburg to the academy. Z. Rubashov became a close student of S. Dubnov. Later he left for Berlin to study at the university.

It is worth noting that despite his affiliation with the Zionist left, he had many friends who studied Torah, Lubavitcher Hasidim.

He was friends with the second cantor of the Great Synagogue - Rabbi Abraham Chaim Efran, who was known in Vilna by his nickname "Der Mahiler."

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