Miri Yahalom

We were happy to read about the interesting event that took place at Yad Vashem in July 2017, when Miri Yahalom was awarded an Encouragement Scholarship for research on the Revisionist and Betar movements in the Vilna Ghetto, in a ceremony chaired by Prof. Dina Porat.

“A few weeks ago, I received an Encouragement Scholarship at Yad Vashem from the Ida and Shraga Rothman Foundation for my research on the Revisionist and Betar movements in the Vilna Ghetto. The ceremony was very dignified and exciting, especially the meeting with the Rothman couple's daughter.

Today I received from Yad Vashem a photo of myself at the ceremony with Prof. Dina Porat (the moderator of the ceremony, and in fact many, many other things I will not detail here) and Dr. Zehava Tanna (the daughter of the Rothman couple).

Just before the photographer took a photo, Prof. Porat whispered to me: ‘Abba Kovner said only good things about Glazman!’   I say I will write what I mean in my dissertation.”

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