The story of Stefan and Shoshana Rachinsky 2024

Hila Sharon, the granddaughter of Stefan and Shoshana Rachinsky who wrote their story in the book "Beit Avraham Avinu", came together with her family members to tell the story. In addition to the special story of the Rachinsky family who hid 26 Jews in a house in the village near Vilna and took care of all their needs, Hila told about the financial difficulties that Stefan and Shoshana faced that the State of Israel did not know how to help them until eventually the law was enacted, and the Righteous among the Nations have been receiving a regular allowance ever since.

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Association of Jews of Vilna and vicinity in Israel
Directions: Beit Vilna, 30 Sderot Yehudit, Tel-Aviv.

Mailing address: P.O.Box 1005, Ramat Hasharon, 4711001. [email protected].
Tel. 03-5616706
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