International Holocaust Day 2014
On International Holocaust Day, the 27th of January, 2014, the Association of Jews from Vilna and Vicinity in Israel, prayed Shaharit (morning prayers) at Bet Vilna together with the naval seafaring vessels unit that was adopted by the Association.
The program included a get-together and light refreshments; Mr. Michael Shemyavitz, chairman of the Association and a representative from the Navy welcomed the guests.
The esteemed Rabbis Shaul and Haniel Farber spoke about observing the mitzvot (commandments) and ethical problems that arose during the Holocaust as in the case of Vilna, for example. They interspersed stories about their family into the lecture.
The naval band also performed.
One of the naval fighters gave a lecture, accompanied by a power-point demonstration, about the battle on the Marmara.
Mickey Kantor was the moderator.