Accessibility works have been performed on this website in accordance with the WCAG 2.0 standard to level AA, and we do our best to ensure that it remains accessible at all times. Every adjustment you make will be saved as "cookies" in your browser, so that the next time you come to this site, or when you move between pages, you will not have to make adjustments every time, but the site will remember the adjustments you made last time.
We believe that every person deserves the right to live with dignity, equality, comfort and independence, and therefore, many resources and efforts have been invested in the accessibility interface, so that it can make the use of the site as easy as possible.

Compatibility of browsers and operating systems:
We support all popular devices and browsers on the market up to about 2 versions back.

General adjustments:
A button to activate basic accessibility, navigation via the keyboard, adaptation to screen readers, skipping to the main content, searching for acronyms and slang phrases, changing the position of the interface, changing the size of the interface.
Text and content adjustments in the interface:
Changing the font sizes, changing the font to readable, highlight links, highlight titles, readable fonts.

Color and display adjustments:
Displaying image descriptions, adapting to screen readers, dark contrast, light contrast, changing the site to gray colors, contrasting colors, stopping animations and movement.

Navigation and orientation adjustments:

Mouse over highlighting, enlarging and reducing the site display, accessible printing, reading mode.

Clarifications and comments:
Despite our great efforts to enable the adjustment of the site at the best level, it is possible that pages or parts of the site will be discovered that have not yet been accessed or for which the technological solution has not yet been found. At the same time, we continue at any time to improve, add and update capabilities to the accessibility interface on the website.
If you find a problem, or if you do not get along with the accessibility interface, you can contact the email at and it will reach the team responsible for the website's accessibility. We will be happy to be at your disposal at any time.
Pleasant browsing.

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