Tolerance center


Tolerance center is one of a few branches of Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History, and it is the most popular for its educational activities and various events. The Tolerance center also has both permanent and visiting exhibitions, which present Jewish history and art from Lithuania and all around the world. There one can find education closely interlinked with entertainment.

The tolerance center is based on Naugarduko str. 10. In 2001 it was established in a building with a rich history of Vilna Jewish community. During the interwar period, this building was well-known as a place for gatherings of Jewish cultural figures in the city. Also, for a short time, there was a professional Jewish theater located in this particular building. During the Soviet occupation, the building was nationalized and only after Lithuania regained its independence, this building was once again reorganized for activities interlinked with presentation of Jewish culture.

The museum saves, archives, and presents to the society documents related to Jewish history in Lithuania. At the moment, in 2020, there are two permanent exhibitions open in Tolerance center: “Lost World” presenting Litvak culture and arts, and “Rescued Lithuanian Jewish child tells about the Shoah” presenting tragic stories of children, who survived Holocaust. Mobile exhibitions in the Centre change a few times a year. At the end of 2017 Samuel Bak Museum opened in the same building, next to the Tolerance center –  there one can find the personal story of the world-known artist and his extraordinary paintings.

From: Gaon Museum


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Association of Jews of Vilna and vicinity in Israel
Directions: Beit Vilna, 30 Sderot Yehudit, Tel-Aviv.

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