International Nehama Lifshitz Vocal Competition 2022
In September 2022, the second year of the International Nechama Lifshitz Vocal Singing Competition was held in Vilnius at the initiative and sponsorship of Elijus Romanovas and Borisas Traubas. The aim of the competition is to make Jewish music popular, look for its most talented performers and composers, continue to collaborate with them and help creative young people in this field realize their potential and communicate with colleagues around the world. The competition is open to singers aged 7-20 from around the world. The Association of Vilna and Vicinity in Israel is one of the organizations that supported the implementation of the project. Among the judges was Eva Ben-Zvi, an opera singer, and the wife of Mulla Ben-Zvi, a member of the board of the Association of Vilnius and Vicinity in Israel.
The II International Nechama Lifšicaite Vocalist Competition Winners Concert, took place in Vilnius Town Hall.
The winners of the competition for years 2021 and 2022 will arrive in Israel for a concert on 7/11/22 in the Einav Center in Tel-Aviv sponsored by the Municipality of Tel Aviv and the Association of Jews from Vilna and surrounding in Israel.